240. Nora Lands
The Seeker learned enough in her travels around Nora and Carja lands to best not only the Shadow cult, but HADES as well. With what you’ve learned, and all the questions you now have, maybe the answers you seek are the same ones she found. It seems time to return to the west.
Rethi is disappointed by this, and asks you take your time on your journey out of Plainsong, continuing to help those you come across, and investigate whatever is happening. Jupi and Adri offer to guide you through the villages and other sites they traveled while tracking the Seeker.
Rethi moves to the back curtain, lifts a lid on a bin, and returns with a half-dozen carved boar tusks, each bearing intricate designs which repeat the same flowing curves of water or wind. Adri accepts them as Rethi explains to the rest of you that the chits are markers given out by Executors and accepted as readily in Deeproot as shards or any other currency. They would enable the group to get enough supplies to get at least as far as the Southtap. She warns, however, that the markers do not go as far as they used to, especially in return for weapons or armor, and encourages you to worry about food and travel supplies first.
Adri suggests warm clothes and climbing gear, to deal with the more remote locations within the Sacred Lands. She acknowledges it might be easier to acquire those closer to the border.
Any number of odd day-jobs or multi-day work barters can be found within the city, if you would like to gain some additional shards or trades.
When you are ready to head out, begin your journey west with entry 241.