182. Next Steps
Rethi is not satisfied with what you’ve uncovered in Plainsong. She wants to know how all the strange events are related, and whether your group has any ideas for stabilizing what is beginning to feel like a crumbling foundation.
Hendli wonders what the events in Carja and Nora lands might lead to in Plainsong, and seems especially concerned with descriptions of all the refugees crammed inside a mountain cave. If you have Banuk in your party who tell of Ourea and CYAN, Hendli will seem less concerned by these events, explaining how that situation seems less fraught with large-scale social consequences. He will, however, resolve to send an envoy to the Cut, to be sure.
If your party has ideas on how you can be of service to the Executors, or how they might be able to help you, now is the time.
Rethi would appreciate if you stay in Plainsong, continuing to investigate. Or, at the very least, stop at as many villages as you can along your path out of Plainsong, helping those you can, and reporting back.
Hendli would appreciate if you continued to watch for fallout which may affect the Utaru people. He asks Adri and Jupi if they would be willing to accompany your group, if you should choose that path, and they assent on the condition that they are wanted. Otherwise, they would continue working in Plainsong toward Rethi’s goals.