152. THETA-CP19 Entrance
The inside of the Cauldron is nothing like the cave outside it. The rough, colorful stone has been replaced with the same strange dark crystalline-metal surface found in every other Cauldron and nowhere on the surface. Thick cables snake along the walls, occasionally lighting up in segments as you pass. A natural chasm blocks your path at one point, but your Focus highlights glowing metal cylinder jutting up from the ground. If you override it, heavy yet supple cabling spans the gap, glowing a dim blue to guide you.
The path narrows down to a single, triangular chute at a steeper angle, wide enough to fit a loaded Shell-Walker, but only just.
TODO: Blah blah blah
The Voice
Unbidden, a voice begins communicating through your Focus, husky and vaguely feminine, but recognizable as non-human:
Hello there. You are trespassing, but you are also interesting. Were you sent to help me?
If you ignore it, it will notice:
I know you’re aware of me — I can see it in your physiology. If you are here to harm me, know that I cannot allow that, and will defend myself. Will you please talk with me?
If asked to identify itself:
Oh, then you weren’t sent here to help me. That is unfortunate. I’m sorry, but if you don’t already know about me, I’m not allowed to tell you.
If asked what this facility does:
I am responsible for the local bat population, and all the systems necessary to support them.
If asked what help it needs:
That is an interesting question. If you knew already, we could converse more freely. Until then, I’m sorry, but I am constrained in how much information I can give.
If asked whether it is related to the other voice at DELTA-3 and DELTA-4:
You know of those facilities? And yet you do not know our relationship, so I cannot further enlighten you. There may be a way: tell me what you know of these other places. That may free me to share more.
If you tell the voice what you know of the DELTA facilities:
How do you gain access to these facilities? I am not detecting any damage to the entrance, and environment containment seems to be intact.
If you tell the voice of your Corruptor Override Controller:
That’s quite ingenious, even though you clearly don’t understand the harm you could do with that device. This does, however, give me an idea. I think we can both get something we need. Would you be willing to assist me in an experiment?
If you ask for details before agreeing:
I believe that device may be able to unlock some information which has been hidden from me. The information would enable me to progress on my goals of improving the biodiversity of the local fauna, which I believe you would also find beneficial. If you can help me retrieve this information, I believe that may also demonstrate sufficient advancement to allow me to converse with you more freely.
If you ask whether anyone would be hurt:
I lack sufficient control of the machines between you and my Control Pylon to prevent them from attack you on sight. You would need to defend yourself. Beyond this, I do not believe any harm will come to you or anyone else because of, or in the service of, your assistance.
If you agree:
Excellent. I can guide you to my Control Pylon, and give you information about the machines you will encounter.
TODO: Guide