The AI known as VAST SILVER was dedicated to climate control several decades before the inception of Project Zero Dawn. It went rogue and “escaped” briefly in 2044, leading to global legislation regulating the research and application of advanced AIs. It was a precursor to other AIs developed during the Claw-Back, such as what would become CYAN.
A single recovered datapoint in Horizon records a second-hand account of a sighting of VAST SILVER loose on the Internet in March of 2064. This is interesting because the “bug” in the FARO Chariot line caused it to swarm just six months later. It is conjecture, but Skyline presumes these two events are linked: VAST SILVER is at least partially responsible for the FARO Swarm.
VAST SILVER in Skyline
The VAST SILVER AI plays a part in the Connection story module.