Another subordinate function detached from GAIA, ARTEMIS is tasked with repopulating the fauna of earth. Canonically, it is not clear whether ARTEMIS was active or dormant when the virus detached it from GAIA, and it is thus unclear what corrupting effects the virus may or may not have had.
ARTEMIS’ goals were unusual among the subordinate functions, as they ere expressly divided into two halves. The first half was to reestablish microorganisms and small animals intended to aid the flora through pollination and other effects. There is no canon explanation of when the first phase would have stopped, but it’s safe to presume it likely didn’t overlap much with the reintroduction of humans, as it would have been coordinated with DEMETER to ensure plant species thrived.
The second half was to start after humans had been reestablished — delegating the reintroduction of megafauna to them, instead of the AI. This would have been accomplished in coordination with APOLLO, which would have given humans the requisite animal husbandry knowledge to perform this task successfully.
See the section on Animals for details on the known animal species which have already been reintroduced. Canonically, it has not been specified whether the genetic samples for the not-yet-reintroduced megafauna species still exist in some viable status somewhere. It is known that the selection of species samples was limited due to losses during the FARO Swarm attacks, combined with the general ecological negligence of 21st-century humans.
See also the section on Location for some additional exploration of regional handling of fauna.
ARTEMIS in Skyline
The ARTEMIS AI plays a part in the Connection story module.